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Sandra and her husband, John, have been pastors for over 35 years, 23 of which have been at Life Church of Little Rock, Arkansas. Pastor Sandra created WOW Sisterhood 13 years ago which began as a way to celebrate every woman's birthday in her church family. As you can imagine, this became extremely difficult as their church grew. Fast forward 13 years later, WOW Sisterhood now hosts a women's conference every year and monthly WOW Sisterhood Events that encourage women in their community to gather together and worship Jesus as a sisterhood.
Pastor Sandra is passionate about seeing people find true freedom in Christ. She desires to be spirit-led in all aspects of life. As she leads WOW Sisterhood, she speaks the truth in love, laughter and makes the word come to life in full living color.


If you would like to connect with Sandra and invite her to speak at your event, please contact us!

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